Hello future saints! Welcome to Sing With Grace the show to bring sacred music into the home. I’m your host, Grace Brown. I’ve been singing and directing music my entire life in musical theatre, church choirs, and as the principal vocalist for the Texas A&M University jazz bands.
I created the Sing With Grace show to help Catholic families reclaim the beautiful hymns and traditional chants many of our parishes no longer utilize at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Sacrosanctum Concilium, a Magisterial document from the Second Vatican Council says, “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as sacred song united to the words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.”
Unfortunately, in the dozens of parishes I’ve attended Mass at across the United States, only a handful have included beautiful and reverent sacred music. Some parishes had folk bands, others were even playing secular music during the Mass. The state of music in the Church is concerning to say the least.
So it’s up to Catholic families to bring back the love and devotion to Catholic musical traditions such as chant, reverent hymns, and even religious compositions by famous composers.
Each month on the first of the month, I’ll be sharing studies on the history of hymns and musical breakdowns of Sacred music. I’ll also highlight the history and a few notable works from a famous composer and discuss how he or she is connected to Catholicism!

Feel free to play these in the car, around the breakfast table, or anywhere else each day or every week that your family is around and ready to listen and do a bit of singing!
I pray that once our families embrace and take this music in our hearts, the Holy Spirit will move our bishops to set higher standards for sacred music in the parishes.
My prayer for your family is that learning about this music and singing along helps you to pray without ceasing as Saint Paul asks us to. I’m asking the Holy Spirit to help me inspire a love of Our Lord through the beauty of sacred music–specifically in our domestic churches. If you believe in this mission and enjoy these studies, please consider sharing Sing With Grace with your friends!
Saint Cecilia, patroness of musicians, pray for us!